GRAND HUMUS PLUS: Rising Era's Flagship Product for Agriculture



Grand Humus Plus has originated from Humates. Humate is the generic name for soil humic substances. Humate and Humic acid are basically one in the same. It is the one called "Leonardite" (in case you would want to research). It came from decaying trees, plants, insects, animals that have been buried for over 300 million of years. It is a natural mineral pre-historic deposit that is formed through the chemical and biological humification of plant and animal matter and through the biological activities of micro-organisms. It is mined underground, powdered and brought to the Philippines by hundreds of tons and is packed by Rising Era Dynasty to be available to all farmers. And glad to inform you that Grand Humus Plus is 92.3% Humic Acid. The highest Humic Acid content in the market today.


▪ Strengthens root vitality.
▪ Promotes quicker seed germination
▪ Better resistance to stress
▪ Stimulates existing soil bacteria
▪ Enhances crop production and appearance
▪ Reduces need for daily watering
▪ Loosens clay
▪ Binds sand soil
▪ Reduces soil compaction
▪ Enhances nutrient uptake
▪ Increases organic matter
▪ Increases yield from 30 to 40%

▪ Fertilizer mixing
▪ Foliar spraying/Fertigation and Seed Soaking

1-2 Sachets per 50 kgs of fertilizer
1-2 tbsps per 16 liters of water


1) Benefits To Soil
- Neutralizes acidity
- Neutralizes toxic compounds in the soil
- Restores soil fertility
- Stabilizes and maximizes soil quality
- Improves soil structure
- Loosens hardened soil
- Retains water in the soil
- Supplies nutrients, complete with 70 trace minerals (Macronutrients and Micronutrients)

2) Benefits To Plant
- Promotes seed germination up to 98%
- Stimulates growth (faster growth)
- Better roots
- Stimulates leaf growth
- Stems and branches are stronger
- Stimulates flowering
- Increases yield or harvests

3) Benefits To Yield or Fruit
- Increases in number or quantity
- Increases in quality
- Fruits are clean and resistant to virus or pests
- Heavier in weight
- Bigger fruits or yield

4) Biological Benefits
- Promotes organic matter
- Promotes microbial activity
- Increases cation exchange capacity (CEC) which magnetizes nutrients in the air and surrounding, and retains them in the soil
- High oxygen content in the soil
- Binds with insoluble metals, oxides and hydroxides (nutrients), and releases them continually
- Maximizes humic acid

5) Benefits To Income
- Increases yield and quality, so income increases too
- Produces organic harvests, that organic foods are more in demand to other countries; So exporting your goods can be your additional income
- Reduces expenses in chemicals and pesticides

6) Benefits To Health
- Decreases use of chemicals and pesticides minimized or removed toxic effects to farmer’s health
- Foods or commodities are now bombarded with chemicals but Grand Humus Plus reduces the use of chemicals and pesticides and turns your harvests into organic foods. You are now saving the lives of your family, and the general public from consumption of chemical-induced foods
- Reduces the process of leaching; Leaching contaminates groundwater which is being consumed by the people.

7) Benefits To Environment
- Decreases the use of chemicals and pesticides, so the environment is now protected
- Reduces pollution
- Reduces soil erosion
- Reduces the process of Volatilization (Volatilization contributes to global warming)
- Protects the lives of animals like butterflies, bees, frogs, earthworms and other insects from the threat of pesticides.


There are two ways to use Grand Humus Plus effectively.

1. Mix with fertilizer
2. Mix with water

Mixing with fertilizer:
2 bags of Grand Humus Plus (2 x 100 grams) can be mixed with 1 bag of fertilizer (50 kilos).

Mix very well with the fertilizer as you normally do.

Mix with water:
1 Sachet Grand Humus Plus (100 grams) will be diluted in 200 liters of water.

Stir the water for at least one minute or until the Grand Humus Plus is completely dissolved.

Spray into soil near base of plants. After spraying the soil, spray the stem first, then spray down to the leaves on the next application.

Retail price in Philippine peso: Php698 (100 grams)
Distributor price: Php 298

100 g for 1 can of water or 200 liters of non-chlorinated water for 1/2 hectare of land.

For a small application, you can dissolve 1 teaspoon in 16 liters of non-chlorinated water and sprinkle or spray.


Grand Humus Plus
The worldwide solution to the most common agricultural problems.

Proof that it is 100% organic and safe?
Look at this!

Grand Humus Plus amazingly works in African farming.

Click 👇



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